Florida Ocean's Day April 18th in Tallahassee
What's so Important Surfrider in is on the edge of something BIG this year in Florida. We have legislation moving forward to forever protect beach access as well as restrict casino ships from dumping their sewage offhsore. It's been an incredible fight to reach this point and we need your help to tip the balance.How Can I Help?When a legislator gets a visit in Tallahassee from a constituent, that has tremendous power. We need Surfrider members and friends to come to the State Capitol, visit legislators, attend events and raise awareness on how truly important these issues are. So, we're asking you to ditch work for a day and rather than catch a killer surf session, help insure that you'll have 'Clean Oceans' and 'Open Beaches' for many killer sessions in the future.So How Does This Work?The National Wildlife Federation is partnering with Surfrider and has agreed to supply a van and gas for any chapter that pulls 12 people together and can provide a driver with a clean record. Vans will leave early the 18th, when folks arrive in Tallahassee they will be given training and materials to meet with their legislators as well as attend the many events that will be going on. Later that afternoon, the vans will head back so folks can make work the following day.(Special arrangements for folks in far South Florida, rooms provided.)What's Ocean's Day?Ocean's Day is an annual event at our State Capitol where hundreds of ocean, coastal and marine related organizations come together. The entire plaza in front of the Capitol will be filled with booths, trailers, demo stations, everything marine and ocean oriented. Ocean's Day provides a perfect opportunity for Surfrider members to inform legislators that they want 'Open Beaches' and 'Clean Oceans'.
Be sure to include what Chapter you're from and a phone number!
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