Ocean Conservancy would like to extend a sincere “THANK YOU” to all the dedicated volunteers and coordinators who participated in the 2007 International Coastal Cleanup on Saturday, September 15. We hope that you will continue to be part of this movement and participate in local cleanups in your communities all year round.
White House Unveils Plan to Address Marine DebrisOn November 2, Ocean Conservancy’s President and CEO Vikki Spruill joined First Lady Laura Bush in Biloxi, Mississippi to unveil the White House plan to address marine debris. Vikki participated on a panel discussion about marine debris in which she was given the opportunity to showcase the International Coastal Cleanup (ICC). As outlined in the First Lady’s speech, the White House will work to promote the ICC in 100 countries around the world as part of its Marine Debris Initiative.
Ocean Conservancy Releases Five-Year Debris StudyOcean Conservancy has released key findings from the National Marine Debris Monitoring Program, a five-year national study of trash in the ocean. The study, funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, was conducted under the direction of marine debris consultant Seba Sheavly, and involved 600 volunteers who monitored debris in 21 coastal states, islands and territories. The study is the first significant evaluation of the marine debris problem in the United States and will help federal and state agencies—and local communities—better understand where trash in the ocean is coming from and assist in developing solutions for prevention of this serious problem.
To view the National Marine Debris Monitoring Program study, go to http://www.oceanconservancy.org/site/R?i=gVDVGHAUH-cTLEDsW0AYrg...
Korea Hosts ICC Campaign and Marine Litter WorkshopOcean Conservancy staff participated in the 2007 Northwest Pacific Action Plan (NOWPAP) ICC Campaign and Marine Litter Workshop in Busan, Republic of Korea. The workshop provided a venue for NGOs from NOWPAP countries, including China, Japan, Korea and Russia, to highlight ICC activities and share experiences. The goal of the workshop was to promote cooperation among the governments and civic societies in the NOWPAP region to solve the marine litter problem and conserve the marine environment. The NOWPAP workshop was organized by the Korea Marine Rescue Center, Japan Environmental Action Network and the Pusan University of Foreign Studies. Ocean Conservancy helped sponsor the event.
Boaters Boost ICC
Boaters from Turtle Cove Marina in Tarpon Springs, FL participate in the ICC.Ocean Conservancy extends a special thank-you to boaters who participated in this year's Coastal Cleanup! Boaters are a crucial part of Cleanup efforts as they can target islands, mangroves, and other areas that cannot be reached by volunteers on foot. Often these islands and mangroves serve as bird rookeries and nurseries for fish and other water life. Sadly, many Cleanup volunteers noted that the islands had much more trash than the beaches. This could be a result of marine debris floating downstream in rivers and intercoastal areas and accumulating in mangrove branches and on islands. Small islands are also popular areas for boats to anchor and picnic in the summer and often lack proper garbage disposal facilities.
If you're a boater and you'd like more information on getting involved in the Coastal Cleanup or promoting environmentally responsible boating, please visit http://www.oceanconservancy.org/site/R?i=UMWZCsHl_hAHEWUm2rp79A..
It’s a Small World: Disney Joins Cleanup
Walt Disney World Ambassador Lowell Doringo, Mickey Mouse, Laura Capps, Jackie OgdenOver 360 "cast members" from Walt Disney World and Disney Cruise Line volunteered to clean up the beaches in Brevard County, Florida, collecting over 2500 pounds of trash and litter. Ocean Conservancy Senior Vice President Laura Capps joined the Disney volunteers at their annual Cleanup event, which included Disney’s most famous employee, Mickey Mouse. Capps joined Jackie Ogden, vice president for animal programs at Walt Disney World, to thank the volunteers at a breakfast pep rally before the Cleanup. Both reminded the audience that the beach along Florida's east coast that they were about to clean is an important nesting habitat for sea turtles. Ogden recounted a story about "Little Crush," a juvenile green sea turtle with a stomach full of plastic and other garbage, recently rescued and nursed back to health by Disney Animal Program staff. Ocean Conservancy thanks Walt Disney World for their commitment to conservation and their continued support of the International Coastal Cleanup in Florida!
Sonya BesteiroInternational Coastal Cleanup Manager
White House Unveils Plan to Address Marine DebrisOn November 2, Ocean Conservancy’s President and CEO Vikki Spruill joined First Lady Laura Bush in Biloxi, Mississippi to unveil the White House plan to address marine debris. Vikki participated on a panel discussion about marine debris in which she was given the opportunity to showcase the International Coastal Cleanup (ICC). As outlined in the First Lady’s speech, the White House will work to promote the ICC in 100 countries around the world as part of its Marine Debris Initiative.
Ocean Conservancy Releases Five-Year Debris StudyOcean Conservancy has released key findings from the National Marine Debris Monitoring Program, a five-year national study of trash in the ocean. The study, funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, was conducted under the direction of marine debris consultant Seba Sheavly, and involved 600 volunteers who monitored debris in 21 coastal states, islands and territories. The study is the first significant evaluation of the marine debris problem in the United States and will help federal and state agencies—and local communities—better understand where trash in the ocean is coming from and assist in developing solutions for prevention of this serious problem.
To view the National Marine Debris Monitoring Program study, go to http://www.oceanconservancy.org/site/R?i=gVDVGHAUH-cTLEDsW0AYrg...
Korea Hosts ICC Campaign and Marine Litter WorkshopOcean Conservancy staff participated in the 2007 Northwest Pacific Action Plan (NOWPAP) ICC Campaign and Marine Litter Workshop in Busan, Republic of Korea. The workshop provided a venue for NGOs from NOWPAP countries, including China, Japan, Korea and Russia, to highlight ICC activities and share experiences. The goal of the workshop was to promote cooperation among the governments and civic societies in the NOWPAP region to solve the marine litter problem and conserve the marine environment. The NOWPAP workshop was organized by the Korea Marine Rescue Center, Japan Environmental Action Network and the Pusan University of Foreign Studies. Ocean Conservancy helped sponsor the event.
Boaters Boost ICC
Boaters from Turtle Cove Marina in Tarpon Springs, FL participate in the ICC.Ocean Conservancy extends a special thank-you to boaters who participated in this year's Coastal Cleanup! Boaters are a crucial part of Cleanup efforts as they can target islands, mangroves, and other areas that cannot be reached by volunteers on foot. Often these islands and mangroves serve as bird rookeries and nurseries for fish and other water life. Sadly, many Cleanup volunteers noted that the islands had much more trash than the beaches. This could be a result of marine debris floating downstream in rivers and intercoastal areas and accumulating in mangrove branches and on islands. Small islands are also popular areas for boats to anchor and picnic in the summer and often lack proper garbage disposal facilities.
If you're a boater and you'd like more information on getting involved in the Coastal Cleanup or promoting environmentally responsible boating, please visit http://www.oceanconservancy.org/site/R?i=UMWZCsHl_hAHEWUm2rp79A..
It’s a Small World: Disney Joins Cleanup
Walt Disney World Ambassador Lowell Doringo, Mickey Mouse, Laura Capps, Jackie OgdenOver 360 "cast members" from Walt Disney World and Disney Cruise Line volunteered to clean up the beaches in Brevard County, Florida, collecting over 2500 pounds of trash and litter. Ocean Conservancy Senior Vice President Laura Capps joined the Disney volunteers at their annual Cleanup event, which included Disney’s most famous employee, Mickey Mouse. Capps joined Jackie Ogden, vice president for animal programs at Walt Disney World, to thank the volunteers at a breakfast pep rally before the Cleanup. Both reminded the audience that the beach along Florida's east coast that they were about to clean is an important nesting habitat for sea turtles. Ogden recounted a story about "Little Crush," a juvenile green sea turtle with a stomach full of plastic and other garbage, recently rescued and nursed back to health by Disney Animal Program staff. Ocean Conservancy thanks Walt Disney World for their commitment to conservation and their continued support of the International Coastal Cleanup in Florida!
Sonya BesteiroInternational Coastal Cleanup Manager
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