I hope you got to visit us at our tent at the National Kidney Foundation contest over Labor Day Weekend. It was great to see new faces and a few of the crew from the Central Florida chapter. Rick and Debbie were awesome for setting up and breaking down the tent. And once again, the Salick brothers put on an incredible local event to help out a worthy cause.
September 11th - Join your friends and family for an event of sharing memories of those who are gone, but not forgotton. Please come and honor victims of 9/11, military heroes and close friends who are no longer with us. We have so much to be thankful for and many people we should remember with honor, pride, and love. - 6:30 p.m. at Pelican Beach Park, 1525 Hwy A1A in Satellite Beach (from www.2ndlight.com)
September 13th - Come join us at Bunky's in Satellite Beach for our monthly meeting out on the deck. 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m., where you can share your views, ideas, and find out how to get involved with our upcoming events.
September 15th - International Coastal Cleanup - Our local chapter is hosting the cleanup location at Howard Futch Park at Paradise Beach, 8 a.m. until Noon. Enjoy the refreshments, glove and bags will also be provided.
September 15th & 16th - Look for our volunteers from around the state at the Surfrider Booth at the Surf Expo at the Orange County Convention Center. Get caught up on what we're doing statewide as "Keepers of the Coast".
September 23rd - Our Annual Paddle for Clean Water, from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. at Jetty Park in Cape Canaveral. This is your chance to join other watermen and women who love the ocean. We will be paddling out past the jetty to form a circle of friendship, joining to protest against those who pollute our coastline. Surfers, bodyboarders, paddle boarders, kayakers, rafters, boaters, fishermen, beachgoers all can join us. To encourage more attendees, Cocoa Beach Kayaking (784-4545) and Space Coast Kayaking (784-2452) have both offered the use of some of their kayaks for free. Just be sure to call them to reserve your space. Healthy snacks and drinks will be provided for paddlers, and t-shirts will be available. (There is a $5 entrance to the park)
The event this year focuses on curbing cruise ship pollution at the passage of the Beach Protection Act, which at the national level, which insures better monitoring and enforcing of current dumping restrictions. At the state level we will be working to create a stronger version of the Clean Ocean Act. We will also have brochures on how to keep the ocean clean for beachgoers and boaters, explaining how each of us has a part in preventing pollution.
October 11th - Monthly Meeting at the Cocoa Beach Surf Museum (north side of Ron Jons in Cocoa Beach) - 6:30 p.m. (come early for goodies!) This is the big one - elections of new Surfrider officers - Chairman and Secretary. If you want to elect our new leaders, you need to be at this meeting.
** Special Thanks to Balsa Bills Surf Shop who organized a beachin' paddleboard contest and raised $470 for our chapter and matched it for the East Coast Surfing Hall of Fame. Also the Island Attitude donated $100 for the paddle out, and Alliance Mortgage signed up as a Friend of our chapter. Most importantly, thanks to all the volunteer hours donated by our members who come out to events and meetings. Remember - Tom Neilson will shape one lucky member their dream surfboard. For a chance to win it, just be a Surfrider member and participate - www.surfrider.org/join .
News from the Orlando Sentinel -
Gambling ship to fight pollution
August 21, 2007
Sterling Casino Lines plans to unveil what it calls Florida's first "no pumping, no dumping" gambling ship during a news conference today in Cape Canaveral.
Sterling's Ambassador II, the largest casino boat docked at Port Canaveral, has been equipped with a new wastewater-treatment system that eliminates the discharge of sewage into the ocean, company officials said Monday.
With flushing and treatment capabilities, the Dragonfly System acts like a miniature water-reclamation plant to effectively treat and sterilize wastewater, according to its developers, AJT & Associates Inc. of Cape Canaveral.
In recent years, the cruise industry, which paid hefty fines for illegal dumping during the 1990s and early 2000s, has taken some steps to reduce pollution.
Florida's gaming ships have typically followed the minimum state standards, dumping hundreds of gallons of human waste daily three miles from shore.
"The revolutionary system is the answer to keeping Florida's beaches and waterways environmentally safe by doing away with vessel sewage discharges into the ocean and the ship's need to utilize pump-out stations," Sterling officials said in a statement.
Henry Pierson Curtis, Roger Moore, Robert Perez, Denise-Marie Balona, Laurin Sellers and Susan Jacobson and Rachael Jackson of the Sentinel staff contributed to this report.
Copyright © 2007, Orlando Sentinel
And news from Palm Beach -
Lake Worth abandons plan for ocean outfall
Lake Worth, September 4 - City commissioners unanimously denied a request to hire a lobbyist to negotiate with a state agency for a permit that would allow the city to dump 4 million gallons of reverse osmosis concentrate near a pristine coral reef.
Although the FDEP has not announced its decision on the final permit, Utility Director Samy Faried told commissioners that the permit to use an old 92-foot deep sewage outfall pipe has been denied.
Earlier this year, the FDEP issued a draft permit that, if approved, would have allowed the city to use the sewage outfall pipe that extends about a mile off Lake Worth Beach. But divers, scientists and environmentalists flooded the FDEP with objections. The Lake Worth mayor credits these efforts with saving the Horseshoe Reef.
Palm Beach Post: Lobbyists nixed in Lake Worth
To the many hundreds of you who sent in permit objection emails; pat yourselves on the back for a job well done. Thank you to Dr. Mike Risk and Dr. Tom Goreau who flew to Florida and volunteered their time providing expert testimony before the FDEP and Lake Worth city commissioners.
For the surf,
Greg Gordon
Surfrider Foundation
Sebastian Inlet Chapter