Discarded plastic fishing gear and other plastic marine debris kill more than 1 million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals and sea turtles each year. These defenseless animals become entangled in the gear and many drown or starve as a result. Help Ocean Conservancy clean up our beaches and waterways. Donate Now.
Dear Shanti,
Even though it’s not officially fall yet, it feels like fall. Kids are back in school. Summer vacations are over. Trees are beginning to let their leaves fall.
Fall for the ocean is different, though. The ocean is constant. Waves still roll, fish still swim, and sadly, plastic and debris still entangles the marine creatures we love best. I’m writing today to ask you to do something about it.
Donate now to help Ocean Conservancy eliminate the causes of marine debris that wrecks our beaches and kills our marine life.
Ocean Conservancy is cleaning up trash and debris from the world’s beaches and waterways, and we’re also attacking marine debris at its sources. Your contribution today will support our efforts to identify the sources of marine debris, and change the behaviors that cause pollution.
Seasons change, and our ocean is changing, too. I have dedicated my professional life to reversing the changes that threaten to turn our ocean into a garbage dump, but I need your support to be successful. Please send your most generous contribution to Ocean Conservancy today, and support real change for our ocean.
For the ocean,
Vikki N. Spruill
President and CEO
Ocean Conservancy
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