As summer "unofficially" comes to a close, things are heating up in Washington, DC with Congress rolling back into town and Oceana kicking the mercury campaign into gear.
First order of business - stop the use of mercury in outdated chlorine factories. Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) recently introduced the Missing Mercury in Manufacturing Monitoring and Mitigation Act (S.1818). The bill would stop outdated chlorine manufacturing plants from using and releasing tons of mercury each year - mercury that once released into the environment can build up in our seafood and end up on our dinner plates. Due to the many pressing issues facing our nation, this bill needs wide support to make it through Congress.
>> Take Action: Ask your Senators to co-sponsor
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Having your Senators co-sponsor this legislation will put their stamp of approval on eliminating thousands of pounds of mercury pollution every year. A small number of outdated chlorine manufacturing plants have managed to stay out of the spotlight and get away with releasing a large amount of mercury pollution. On average, each of these plants releases four times the amount of mercury that the average power plant does.
Oceana has shined a spotlight on these plants with numerous reports about the tons of mercury pollution they release and the numerous benefits to the environment and business of mercury-free technology. Help us get them to switch to mercury-free technology once and for all by asking your Senators to co-sponsor this bill.
For the oceans,
Beth Kemler
Seafood Campaign Organizer
PS - If you would like more information about the Campaign to Stop Seafood Contamination, check out our website or email me at mercury@oceana.org.
Urge your senators to co-sponsor Senator Obama's Mercury Bill.
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Mercury released to the air from chlorine factories and other sources is deposited on land and water as reactive mercury. This form of mercury can be converted to the more toxic form, methylmercury, by naturally occurring bacteria. Methylmercury then bioaccumulates in aquatic food chains and contaminates the fish we eat.
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